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​Janine first started practicing yoga and mindfulness 17 years ago when she was pregnant with her son. Following her own pregnancy she became passionate about the benefits that yoga and breathwork can bring to pregnant women and help ease the stressful transition into motherhood and beyond. She found that this mindful practice had a transformative effect on all aspects of her life, and soon found herself looking at the world through bright new eyes. 

Janine teaches Pregnancy Yoga to Yoga teachers and now her  newly developed modules, integrating hypnotherapy within pregnancy yoga and the popular baby yoga baby massage.

Janine has also trained in general yoga teaching through the British Wheel of Yoga and studied with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli on the Yoga campus Integrated Mother and Baby Yoga teacher training (London, 2007), Yoga Nidra teacher training (Yoga for pain, stress and anxiety) (Stroud, 2012), Pregnancy Yoga teacher training (Manchester, 2010) and the Pregnancy BWY module with Wendy Teasdill (2007). Other trainings include, Nurturing birth doula training, Natal Hypnotherapy for birth professionals, Breast feeding peer support (UNICEF and La Leche training) and Baby Massage (IAIM).also teaching Yoga to teenagers 


She is passionate advocate of yoga, mindfulness  hypnotherapy and trauma therapy  within the community and believes it should be available to all. She has worked in traditionally hard to reach areas and sourced funding from local councils, community projects and Sure Start centres. Janine has commissioned and worked on a variety of NHS funded projects, including working with young mums through the family nurse partnership and consulted on NICE guidelines on obesity in pregnancy. Janine is currently studying a Msc in Trauma Psychology andco-author and research partner in a major study conducted at Manchester University exploring the management of maternal anxiety during pregnancy through the practice of yoga. The findings, recently published show that Yoga lowers stress and anxiety in pregnancy. Now that yoga is evidence based it has opened doors for the NHS to commission more services. Janine’s commitment to hypnotherapy and mindfulness as a way of life means that she is always learning and growing. She’s recently completed a diploma in Integrative Hypnotherapy training at The Christie Hospital and EMDR therapy and coaching with EMDR centre London and Brainspotting.  Janine specializes in trauma based therapy.
Her interests, training and experience now means Janine offers teacher training and consultancy to established teachers and organization within the private and public sector as well as maintaining her roots working therapeutically within the local community. In 2017 She opened the Creative Calm Yoga studio with Karen Hadgett, the ethos of the centre is to provide trauma sensitive yoga classes therapy and training in Prestwich, Manchester.

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