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108 Sun Salutations for the Summer Solstice with Madeline Diaz Meiners
Sat, 20 Jun
|The Mill Studios

Time & Location
20 Jun 2020, 09:30 – 11:30
The Mill Studios
About the Event
Sun Salutations are a sequence of yoga poses strung together in a consistent movement, typically found in Vinyasa-style yoga. In Sanskrit, Sun Salutations are referred to as “Surya Namaskar” and were traditionally practiced to usher in the new day, hence the name.
In Sanskrit, “Vinyasa” can be translated to mean linking breath with motion in a continuous flow. Thus, Sun Salutations are physically challenging and yet there’s a lot more meaning beyond the surface-level workout, so let’s dive in!
Sun Salutations can be practiced any time and with any frequency. Traditionally, practicing 108 Sun Salutations is reserved for the change of the seasons (ie the Winter and Summer Solstice, and the Spring and Fall Equinox).
The Summer Solstice is marked as a time of celebration. Many cultures have festivals to celebrate the sun and its life-giving energy. The summer marks a time of everything being in full bloom.
It is believed that the fire (internal heat) that you build during this practice is cleansing, detoxifying, and gets you more in touch with yourself. There are many benefits to practicing 108 Sun Salutations.
Move Energy
Sun Salutations heat the body and activate Prana, or upward energy. You’ve probably heard in yoga class that the active parts of class (like a Vinyasa flow) help create and move energy and stuck emotions. The slower parts of class (like hip openers and reclined poses) help release energy and emotions that no longer serve you.
During 108 Sun Salutations, you will at some point think, “Why did I sign up for this?” If you keep going, you will find a state of ease, and even a sense of flow. You will surrender to the process, acknowledge what arises emotionally, and then let it go. When you finish, you will feel lighter and find meaning in this ancient ritual.
Here are 6 things you will learn or experience when you practice 108 sun salutations:
1. You are stronger than you think
108 sounds like a lot – you may not reach that number the first time. Regardless of the total number, you will be surprised at your strength and how many rounds you can do. Give yourself some credit for what you’ve accomplished, because you are powerful and deserve the recognition!
2. Negative energy does not define you
Negative energy can stay trapped in the body. Sun Salutations activate stuck energy, help you move through it, and ultimately let go of things that no longer serve you. Releasing negative energy is an important step on the path to happiness, and this practice will show you that you have the power to release anything holding you back.
3. You have the power to shift your perspective
If you practice with a positive mantra, like “I am at peace,” then you may see significant changes in your mood and perspective. Focusing on positivity as you practice has the power to transform your entire outlook. Once you accomplish 108 Sun Salutations, you may event notice a boost in your overall confidence!
4. You can find grounding amidst any challenge
The repetition and ritual of 108 Sun Salutations will provide a sense of grounding. Remember that Sun Salutations are named in honor of the cycles of the life. 108 Sun Salutations is definitely challenging, but while you practice them, you will find a sense of grounding and learn how to access it with any challenge you face.
5. You will discover your inner drive
While this will be different for each person, you will see emotions and sensations arise that you never knew existed (or thought were long gone). You may learn what inspires you to flow or even how your dedication can cultivate confidence. Throughout this practice, you will continue to witness your incredible drive.
6. You will have more energy afterwards
You will feel an increase in energy once you complete your Sun Salutations because they generate Prana. Afterward, you may find yourself feeling more energized, more alert, and empowered overall – now that’s a great feeling!
Fancy joining us for our 108 Sun Salutations?
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